在各自的领域出类拔萃. 杰出的澳门威尼斯人娱乐场.


澳门威尼斯人娱乐场任命迈克尔·弗莱塔格、凯瑟琳·希格利和布伦特·斯蒂尔为校长 2022年大学杰出教授, the highest academic honor the university can bestow on a faculty member.

Freitag is an expert in fungal biology 和 genome structure. Higley因研究辐射对健康的影响而享誉国际. 钢 is a scholar of environmental policy, science policy 和 state politics.

自1988年以来, 澳门威尼斯人娱乐场授予在国内和国际学术领域做出杰出贡献的教师大学杰出教授称号, 研究及创意工作, 教学与辅导, 公众参与及服务.

Distinguished Professor Lectures — Friday May 20
Freitag, Higley 将于5月20日(周五)上午9点在纪念联盟地平线厅举行讲座.m.,然后是各自的招待会. 鼓励提前注册和亲自出席,所有讲座将被记录和记录 转播画面.


Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry 和 Biophysics

迈克尔Freitag in a lab, holding a clear round container with a specimen

What originally drew you to your field of study?

我有好几块地要耕种. I like fungi — they are a varied group of organisms, 和 even though they look very similar at first glance, 他们是非常多变的一群人. 真菌很容易处理, 维护起来很便宜,而且与动物的关系比与植物的关系密切得多. They are perfect models for many basic problems in biology that have not been solved; for example, how the “genotype” determines the “phenotype” of an organism.

What keeps you motivated at this stage in your career?

在有组织的课程中或在我们的实验室中对本科生进行动手,实验室培训. 这是在美国大学当教授最有价值的部分. 这里的大多数学生都没有意识到,与其他国家的学生相比,他们有多少机会接触到教师.

What’s the one big takeaway you’d want someone to know about your field of study?

“表观遗传学”这个词不再有用了. Sometimes a hypothesis comes along that generates useful models, but new data necessitate change; this has been the case with most phenomena that were called “epigenetic” in the 1980s. 它们都是长期的基因调控, but calling a non-Mendelian trait “epigenetic” moved the field forward. 现在是时候抛弃这个假设了, 和 “epigenetic” should return to its original meaning, “发展,或对基因型表达的任何控制,这些基因型的表达不是由DNA序列精确决定的.

What have you learned from your work that surprised you?

循环和网络是常态, while hierarchical “pathways” shown in textbooks rarely exist in nature. 这关系到我们即将消亡的整个社会:如果我们不能产生近乎封闭系统的循环网络, 我们将使这个星球不适合我们的物种(以及许多现存的“超级有魅力的巨型动物”)居住。. Fungi 和 bacteria will be happy — more room for them.

What does the title Distinguished Professor mean to you?

People can distinguish me from others because I always wear shorts.

If you could name one person who inspires you, who would it be?



你什么时候到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的? 从哪里?

我是1987年来的, 原产于德国, 通过一年的海外工作和旅行在澳大利亚和新西兰,然后是新英格兰.


2035年我的实验室工作台. You can tell it from the others by how much stuff is on it.



What do you like to do when you’re not teaching or researching?

Biking, hiking, spinning, knitting, weaving, reading. When having a chance, visiting 和 entertaining my gr和daughter.

What is your favorite part of Oregon to explore? 为什么?

库斯湾以南的海岸. 地球上还没找到比这更好的地方.

If you hadn’t gone into academia, what do you think you would have done instead?



Distinguished Professor of Nuclear 科学 和 工程 


What originally drew you to your field of study?

一点点运气. 那是我在里德学院读大一的时候. 我被要求在学习驾驶飞机和运行核反应堆之间做出选择. 我选择了后者, 因为我是一个贫穷的大学生, 而且上反应堆课也没花我一分钱. That decision set me on the path to where I am today.

What keeps you motivated at this stage in your career?

学习新事物. The interdisciplinary nature of my field, the ability to work with great colleagues. 我的学生的热情和好奇心. 我对我在该领域的技术知识的自信,这有助于我与人交流. 感觉自己能带来一点改变. 所有这些都让我的工作非常有回报.

What’s the one big takeaway you’d want someone to know about your field of study?

Radioecology is a subspecialty in an already extremely specialized field. 但我们所做的会产生影响, 我们帮助推动了有关辐射防护的讨论,使其在科学和法规中得到更广泛的定义. 除了简单地保护人们,我们真的在深入研究保护环境免受电离辐射的话题. 这是微妙的. 它是具有挑战性的. 这很有趣.

What have you learned from your work that surprised you?

The application of allometric (scaling) principles to biological systems. These mathematical relationships can help fill in some data gaps in our knowledge, where we don’t have the time (or dollars) to do all the research. 可用于预测核系统行为的相同类型的方程也可用于生物系统.

What does the title Distinguished Professor mean to you?

Honestly, it is incredibly humbling to be awarded this title. It means that the university finds value in what I’ve done over the years.

If you could name one person who inspires you, who would it be?

我很想念我妈妈. She’s been gone nearly 30 years, but I think about her quite a bit. 她博览群书. 一个了不起的厨师(我记得她在露营旅行时用一个双头炉灶为六个人做饭). 音乐的. 艺术. 深思熟虑的. And in a time when women were discouraged from many pursuits, 她熟练地使用电动工具. She 和 my dad supported 和 encouraged me to pursue my education.


你什么时候到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的? 从哪里?

我于1994年秋天来到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场. I had graduated from Colorado State University with my doctorate. 我原计划回到太平洋西北国家实验室担任高级研究科学家, but this job opening came up at 澳门威尼斯人娱乐场. ...


在大学前的广场上. 我喜欢这里的建筑和大树.


拿铁咖啡. 我有点爱喝咖啡.

What do you like to do when you’re not teaching or researching?

我喜欢户外活动. In my garden, or somewhere in a natural setting — the mountains, the beach, the desert.

What is your favorite part of Oregon to explore? 为什么?

俄勒冈州东部的任何地方都有. I’m particularly fond of the area around the Steens Mountain Range. 我喜欢开阔的天空. 但我也喜欢俄勒冈海岸. 还有喀斯喀特瀑布. 所以我会说我喜欢探索俄勒冈州.

If you hadn’t gone into academia, what do you think you would have done instead?

I would have stayed with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 我一直对研究很感兴趣, 和 they’ve had a strong track record in radiation protection-related research. 这是一个非常“靠近学术”的地方.




What originally drew you to your field of study?

I spent a lot of time with my (maternal) great-gr和ma 和 gr和parents growing up, 和 they would tell stories about World War II 和 the Great Depression, 以及罗斯福总统如何发起新政来帮助像他们一样的“普通老百姓”. 这激起了我对政治的兴趣,以及政府可以用来帮助人们的可能性.

What keeps you motivated at this stage in your career?

与公共政策学院和校园内的本科生和研究生一起工作并指导他们, including students from eight of OSU’s colleges. I get to learn something new literally every week!

What’s the one big takeaway you’d want someone to know about your field of study?

Public policy was originally a subfield in political science, 但它正迅速发展成为与其他社会科学如经济学和社会学的跨学科努力. Public policy intersects with almost all disciplines in the academy, as there are policy implications of the research conducted in all of OSU’s 11 colleges, 是否是分配律, 再分配或监管政策.

What have you learned from your work that surprised you?

我没有预料到我们目前在美国经历的政治两极分化和分裂程度.S. 随着虚假信息的增多, conspiracy theories 和 general contempt for people different from ourselves. 多年来,我的大部分研究都集中在更民主的政策过程的可能性,以及人们对自己的国家做出理性决定的能力, 社区, 家庭和他们自己. 在我职业生涯的早期,我认为我们将处于一个与现在大不相同的地方.

What does the title Distinguished Professor mean to you?

It means I have had A LOT of help from others who I have worked with. From my mentors from graduate school that I continue to work with, to my many research collaborators from across campus 和 other universities, 来自我的学生, 来自社区, from my OSU faculty colleagues 和 from my spouse 和 son, 我得到了这么多的支持.

If you could name one person who inspires you, who would it be?

我在这里修改一下对persons的回答. 最终, 如果没有我已故的祖父母(Pearl和Arnold Shaffer)和家人(Becky和Ryan)无条件的爱和支持,我就不会有今天的成就。. In addition, my major graduate school mentor, Dr. 尼古拉斯·P. Lovrich, 是什么帮助我完成学业,走上人生的职业道路.


你什么时候到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的? 从哪里?

上世纪90年代初,我第一次来到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场时,我的配偶是随迁配偶,当时我的配偶在社会学系担任教职. I subsequently moved to 华盛顿 State University from 1992 to 1998, 1998年,在教务长罗伊·阿诺德和文学院院长凯·谢弗的支持下,她被澳门威尼斯人娱乐场聘为政治学副教授.


我与林业学院的教职员工和研究人员一起工作了很多时间,并与他们一起在皮威大厅对面的西大厅咖啡馆度过了很多时间. If we consider the McDonald 和 Dunn 研究 Forests part of campus, I live a couple of blocks away 和 am a frequent hiker in the forest with my dog.


Light, medium 和 dark roast — all coffee is good!

What do you like to do when you’re not teaching or researching?

我喜欢所有的户外活动——下坡滑雪,在热带地区潜水(不是俄勒冈海岸)!)、飞钓和远足. I also like attending baseball games 和 international travel.

What is your favorite part of Oregon to explore? 为什么?

俄勒冈州是一个美丽而地理多样的州,很难选择一个最喜欢的地方, but I would have to say an old-growth forest might be my favorite.

If you hadn’t gone into academia, what do you think you would have done instead?

好吧, 高中时,我大多数朋友的爸爸都在斯波坎的凯撒铝厂工作, 华盛顿, 我长大的地方. 她们的父亲在她们高中毕业后都给她们在工厂找了份工作,当时的时薪很高, 哪个对我有吸引力. 然而, 我和工厂没有任何关系, 所以我在基础教育机会补助金的支持下,做过各种各样的工作,在当地社区大学上课. My very positive experience at the community college ultimately led to an A.A. 学位,然后是B.A. 然后是研究生院. Who knows how I would have ended up in a different situation!